Alberic von Rostock
About the Consort

His Royal Majesty is a 13th century German from the city of Rostock on the Warnow River. He is dressing in the fashion of Rome to match His Majesty Tindal. His Majesty was born in the Barony of Concordia of the Snows and has also lived, briefly in the Barony of Delftwood in AEthelmearc and the Shire of Coldwood of the East, and then returning home to Concordia. His Majesty has been involved with the SCA for a little over 30 years, has enjoyed traveling and meeting wonderful people of the East Kingdom.
Photo Courtesy: Vitalia La Soleil

Personal Device
His Majesty’s pronouns are:
His Majesty is interested in:
Armored fighting, rapier fighting, bardic arts, and cordials.
His Majesty likes:
All things heraldic.
Please feed His Majesty:
Water, unsweetened ice tea, coffee (with cream and sugar), bread and cheese.
Please do not feed His Majesty:
Egg whites, corn, rye bread, shrimp.
His Majesty has the following food restrictions:
Egg whites, corn, rye bread, shrimp.
His Majesty would like events to feature:
Pageantry and activities the whole family can enjoy. Honor and dignity on and off the field.
His Majesty’s Favor:
Information on His Majesty’s favor can be found on the Favor Information Page.